Flossy is well known to many on the British Dressage Forum as a teller of interesting stories and perhaps the odd joke or two. We have selected a few tales for your pleasure.

Join the Mafia

Gustav von  Beckerman   the well known FEI dressage judge had an un fulfilled  wish,  after years of services  to the FEI as a judge, committee  member

Self carriage

A dressage Diva was  having a warm up, for   a     BD  walk halt test , on her big black stallion,  obviously the imbalanced

Life is not fair

Life is not fair
Old trainer  took one of his clients,    a  new  comer to   the sport,  to the PSI   sales for a

Equestrian underpants

Equestrian Knickers
From reading  the posts on  British Dressage  forum, it is clear that one of the hottest  topics at the moment is  the  “what under pants are

Music to a horse

Music to a horse
The Irish environment agency big thinkers came up with a new plan to solve the problem of the FLY GRAZING and ABANDONED Irish horses. A musical competition to a listening