Flossy is well known to many on the British Dressage Forum as a teller of interesting stories and perhaps the odd joke or two. We have selected a few tales for your pleasure.

Judges discrepancies

Judges skill
Very few ordinary members of British Dressage appreciate what it takes to become a dressage judge particularly a high listed one.
In order to become a judge one has to dedicate

Where is Top Trainer

Where is top trainer
Junior trainer has been seen riding ,Top Trainers GP horse, in the arena of the Paddington premier league ,
His orders were “walking on long reins and then loosen

Nearly woke her up

Nearly woke her up
Any body that spent a night in the lorry park of a major dressage show ,knows that this is not the place to catch up on sleep, it is recommended that if possible one should have

Paying in Euros

Marco de Graber the German trainer 2 day clinic was just coming to the end and one by one the participants were approaching him to settle their accounts.

Marco de Graber as every one

Top competitor buying a horse

  Top competitor    is Buying a horse
Top competitor made it known to all that he was after a horse that will take him to the highest level of dressage , which means GB dressage