Flossy is well known to many on the British Dressage Forum as a teller of interesting stories and perhaps the odd joke or two. We have selected a few tales for your pleasure.


Dressage husband  was tired  and eager  To get back  home   (Rugby was on).  It was a long day at the Dressage show . He fetched,  he carried  

Couple fined

Couple 'fined' £100 by hotel for bad review
A couple say they have been "fined" £100 by a Blackpool hotel for leaving critical comments on travel review website Trip

Wonder horse

It was the horse number  4820.3  that lady Suckley tried   and from her body language   it was clear it was going    to be  the  4820.3 

The adult version

The Adult version   specifically   adjusted  for British Dressage  office staff ( wink wink)
I got a call from   the BBC 


I got a call from   the BBC  ,     OK      ONLY  the local station that broadcast   for Hereford   and